ksh88 problems

Arnold D. Robbins {EUCC} arnold at mathcs.emory.edu
Fri Mar 3 07:46:50 AEST 1989

We just ordered and received ksh88 from the toolchest.  I am trying to
put it up on a Sun 4 running SunOS 4.0. So far I've encountered
three problems.

1) With BRACEPAT=1 in the OPTIONS file,

	echo a{b,c,d}

   core dumps.  I guess this is not such a big deal, but BRACEPAT
   would be a nice thing to have. (It does what the csh does, for
   those who are wondering.)

2) This is the biggy. It appears that a trap on 0 inside either
   /etc/profile or $HOME/.profile is executed upon exit from the
   profile file (!), and not when the shell exits.

For example, I had a `` trap 'times' 0 '' in /etc/profile, so that when
users logged out they would see how much cpu they used. If ksh88 is your
login shell, it logs out as soon as it has finished processing the file.
(Makes it hard to get any work done...)

If the trap is removed from /etc/profile and put in $HOME/.profile, the same
thing happens.

3) Using psroff on the sh.1 man page, my apple laser writer seems to go
   into an infinite loop around the "Invocation" section.  Has anyone
   been able to troff the man page ok?

I used 'makeshell' to build ksh.

Has anyone else seen any of these? Am I missing something fundamental?

Followups to the net would probably be useful, as I susspect we're one
of the first ksh88 customers...

"Unix is a Registered  | Arnold Robbins -- Emory University Computing Center
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