There is a pas2c. Is there a c2pas?

Markku Sakkinen sakkinen at
Mon Nov 27 01:37:26 AEST 1989

In article <4289 at> antony at (Antony A. Courtney) writes:
>I highly doubt there is or will ever be a C to Pascal converter.  

I agree - but not _only_ because of the weakness of Pascal.
The semantics of C is so irregular that I doubt the feasibility
of a converter from C to _any_ high-level language
(I didn't say 'any other' because I classify C as a medium-level language).

>Show me pointers to functions in Pascal and maybe I'll start to consider it a
>_REAL_ language!  :-)

All right: any function appearing as a formal parameter of another function
or procedure is in effect a pointer to a function;
you didn't say it should be a first-class type (or variable). :-)

Markku Sakkinen
Department of Computer Science
University of Jyvaskyla (a's with umlauts)
Seminaarinkatu 15
SF-40100 Jyvaskyla (umlauts again)

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