GNU tar

Jim Burwell jimb at faatcrl.UUCP
Fri Oct 20 02:46:47 AEST 1989

Hi there!

Has anyone gotten GNU tar's multivolume option working on a 1/4" SCSI tape
drive ?  I'm trying to use this option on a Sun 3/160..  It seems like it
doesn't know when it hits the end of the tape, and mistakes it for an IO error.
I'd like to know if anyone has a fix for this, before I start hacking :-).

|          James S. Burwell                      |                          |
|                                                | "UseNet...A text network |
|          UUCP:                                 |  in a binary world" - Me |
|          ...!{ames!netsys|rutgers}!faatcrl     |                          |
|          !jimb                                 |  "How do you say         |
|                                     .          |   'multitasking' in      |
|          Internet:                   .         |   MS-DOSish?  Network    |
|      //  jimb at faatcrl.UUCP            .    **  |   File Server!" - Me     |
|     //                                 .  **** |                          |
| \\ //    GEnie:         Airwarior:      . .**  |  <reserved for future>   |
|  \X/     JIMBURWELL     Techrat          .     |  <expansion....      >   |

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