home unix on the cheap

John Kimball jkimball at SRC.Honeywell.COM
Wed Oct 11 06:58:07 AEST 1989

I've started to think about acquiring a home Unix machine, to replace my
CP/M machine.

The main purposes would be
    o email and news
    o ability to run most of the freely-redistributable software we use
      at work (mainly GNU stuff)

Obviously I'd want a lot of disk (80+ meg?). I think I'd prefer to have a
machine with a 32-bit nonsegmented address space.  I'm not sure how much
horsepower is advisable.  I don't feel any strong desire for bitmapped

I'm more comfortable with BSD-derivatives, but I'm not afraid of System V.

Anybody done this recently? Does anybody have any immediate suggestions as
to a reasonable configuration, and a place(s) to purchase it?  What are
some ballpark figures for the components?  How cheaply can this be done?

Thanks in advance . . .

                                             John Kimball

Inet: jkimball at src.honeywell.com          Honeywell Systems and Research Center
      postmaster at src.honeywell.com, etc   Computer Sciences/Software Technology
uucp: <any-smart-host>!srcsip!jkimball    3660 Technology Drive, MN65-2100
phone: 612-782-7343  fax: 612-782-7438    Minneapolis, MN  55418-1006

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