sccs front ends: where and what

Mark Pledger mpledger at cti1.UUCP
Wed Feb 6 04:39:55 AEST 1991

I am interested in finding out what front ends are available for the
basic sccs under unix.  I specifically would like to know if there
are public domain, shareware products, or user written shell scripts for
sccs.  Any comments regarding their ease-of-use or installation would be

Please respond to my email address below, and I will summerize if enough
interest is generated.  

Thank you.


Mark Pledger

CTI                              |              (703) 685-5434 [voice]
2121 Crystal Drive               |              (703) 685-7022 [fax]
Suite 103                        |              
Arlington, VA  22202             |              mpledger at

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