Help needed on unix software for DEC Printserver20

Dan Schlitt dan at
Sat Feb 9 07:23:22 AEST 1991

By this time in my life I should know better, but I went ahead and did
it anyhow.  I took the word of a DEC sales critter that they would
provide the required software to drive a Printserver20 from a BSD unix
system.  DEC seems to be unable to deliver the software.

I am sure that there is someone out there that is doing this sort of
printing.  Could you tell me what I need and where I can get the
required sources.  We have 4.3BSD source so diffs will do the job.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Dan Schlitt                        Manager, Science Division Computer Facility
dan at              City College of New York
dan at ccnysci.uucp                   New York, NY 10031
dan at ccnysci.bitnet                 (212)650-7885

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