2Gb core file

Lars P. Fischer fischer at iesd.auc.dk
Fri Feb 8 07:48:10 AEST 1991

>>>>> hunt at dg-rtp.rtp.dg.com writes:
hunt> My bet is that there are very large unallocated holes in the file.
hunt> That's one reasonable way to make core files.

>>>>> On 3 Feb 91 09:39:57, brnstnd at kramden.acf.nyu.edu (Dan Bernstein) said:

Dan> Well, one school of thought says that this is a quite unreasonable way
Dan> to make core files---or any files---when the holes are so easy to avoid.
Dan> It's remarkable how often users accidentally fill up disks under SunOS
Dan> by copying or otherwise processing those core files. 

One could argue, quite reasonably, that this is a problem with cp.
Allowing files with holes is a nice feature of UNIX. That some tools
have not been designed to process them should not discourage their use.

Dan> It's also quite a
Dan> waste of time to do ``strings'' on a 2GB file with practically nothing
Dan> but nulls; if the same information were stored in 160K, things would run
Dan> a lot faster.

Never had any problems with this.

Lars Fischer,  fischer at iesd.auc.dk   | Beauty is a French phonetic corruption
CS Dept., Univ. of Aalborg, DENMARK. |                   - FZ

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