SUNOS rmount to ULTRIX disks

Johannes Viegener UB Karlsruhe RA04%DKAUNI2.BITNET at
Fri May 3 20:32:05 AEST 1991

> I wonder if anyone out there had the same problem
>         I am running a little net consisting of 1 decstation 5000/200
> , 2 sun386i and 1 sun3/150. The problem is on NFS mounts of filesystems.
> When the decstation mounts remotely on one of the filesystems of the suns the
> systems it works like a charm. When i am trying to mount a SUN subdirectory
> to  Decstation filesystem then ultrix responds with "RPC failure: Invalid clie
> credential."
>      Any insight anyone?
> the decstation is running ultrix 4.1
> the sun 386is run sunos 4.0.1
> the sun 3/150 runs sunos 4.1.1

I had an similar problem on my net consisting of 2 DECstation 5000 and
an IBM RS/6000 when mounting via NFS on one of the 2 DECstations. I
received the same error message from the ULTRIX-System. I don't
remember exactly what I have done to resolve the problem but the
following considerations may help you:
  -- NFS needs the original hostname of the machine not one of
     the aliases defined in the /etc/hosts-file
  -- There may be a problem concerning uppercase-letters in the
     hostnames. I set the hostname of one DECstation to a name
     consisting only of uppercase letters (installation procedure).
     If I remember correctly, after changing the hostname from
     uppercase to lowercase-form the problem was resolved.

If you will resolve the problem please send me a short message with
the exact solution to my personal email-address (RA04 at DKAUNI2.bitnet)
so that I can add a note to my problem-solution-list.

Ciao Johannes Viegener

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