How to find VERSION of UNIX OS

der Mouse mouse at
Sat May 25 22:19:02 AEST 1991

In article <tmurphy.675017160 at>, tmurphy at (Tom Murphy) writes:

> This works for Ultrix, and ConvexOS :

> Ultrix :

> VAX> adb -k /vmunix /dev/mem
> sbr 80090f18 slr 8b6a
> p0br 80c5ae00 p0lr 12e p1br 8045c200 p1lr 1fffea
> version/s
> _version:
> _version:       Ultrix-32 V3.0 (Rev 66) UWS V2.0 (BL 10.0) System #2: Mon Jan 14
>  16:21:22 CST 1991

Or, if you don't happen to have read access to /dev/mem (which means
the above won't work), you can

adb /vmunix

and while it's true that that can be inaccurate (it gives the version
string from /vmunix, not from the running kernel), it is unlikely to be
inaccurate on a system in multi-user mode that isn't just about to be

I would hope something similar is true of the Convex, but have no
experience with them to base out-and-out statements on.

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse at

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