up raw devices to 8mm

The News System <news> news at adm.brl.mil
Wed May 15 00:48:25 AEST 1991

Message-ID:<1488551 at KANSAS-CITY.VA.GOV>
From:POLLOCK.STEVEN at kansas-city.va.gov
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL
To: "POLLOCK,STEVEN L."@kansas-city.va.gov, info-unix%brl.mil at mvb.saic.com

Unix Persons,

We have up to 2.1 Gig. raw virtual devices used by a database application
that we need to back up to 8MM tape drives.  The system is running Pyramid 
OSX and the documentation sez that the only utility available to do this is
dd.  Coming from a VMS environment we can back up this amount of data in 
about 1hr-50min. or so.  It takes around 6 hours on the pyramid???

1) Is dd truly the best way to do this? 

if so:

2) What are the best ibs, obs values that will fit the 2.1 Gig onto the tape
unit and speed this up.

3) Is there truly now way to verify the integrity of the data once it has
been written to the tape?

|Steven Pollock               ||  Internet:  pollock.steve at kansas-city.va.gov |
|VA Medical Center, IRM       ||  Voice:  816-861-4700 x3750                  |
|4801 Linwood Blvd.           ||  Facsimile: 816-861-8736                     |
|Kansas City, Missouri 64128  ||                                              |

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