books (was: pipes in unix)

Alex Martelli alex at
Fri May 17 07:01:09 AEST 1991

dougy at (Doug Yip) writes:
:An excellent book for you to get started with UNIX system programming is
:"Advanced UNIX Programming" by Marc. J. Rochkind. The publisher is
:Prentice-Hall. It emphasizes more on the standard UNIX System V stuff.
:P.S. Anyone out there know a good BSD system programming book other than the
:"Design & Implemntation of 4.3 BSD UNIX" ?

Well, I wouldn't really draw a parallel between the Daemon Book and
Rochkind - the 'internals' book for Sys V, parallel to the DB, is Bach.

Anyway, a reasonable introductory-to-intermediate book, covering partly
the same ground as Rochkind but with decent coverage of BSD extensions,
is David Curry's "Using C on the Unix System", in the O'Reilly Nutshell
Handbook series.  I wouldn't say it's as good as Rochkind, but then I
feel Rochkind is up there on Olympus, right alongside Kernighan and
{Ritchie, Pike}, Stroustrup's original C++ book, Koenig's "C trap and
pitfalls", Brooks' "Mythical Man-Month", Bentley's stuff, Allen's
"Anatomy of Lisp", Hennessy and Patterson's "Computer Architecture - a
Quantitative Approach" - in other words, of those classics one would be
happy to read for the sheer joy it gives, even if one had no special
interest in the subject matter, or no need to learn anything more
about it...

Alex Martelli - (home snailmail:) v. Barontini 27, 40138 Bologna, ITALIA
Email: (work:) martelli at, (home:) alex at
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