dynamic link/load packages

Charles Krasic krasic at tucana.mpr.ca
Fri May 17 00:13:03 AEST 1991

I'm looking for a package which allow some method of dynamic module
loading/unloading under Unix.   I'm using SunOs 4.1 but I would prefer
a package which would be fairly portable (at least across SysV

The only package I have looked at so far is dld from the FSF.  It has
the kinds of features I am looking for but the FSF copyright makes it
unsuitable for commercial application.

Does anyone know of a similar package?  Either freely distributable or
commercial is fine (as long as the price is reasonable).

Charles Krasic                  | Voice : (604) 294-1471
MPR Teltech Ltd. 		| Fax   : (604) 293-5787
8999 Nelson Way, Burnaby, BC    | E-Mail: krasic at mprgate.mpr.ca
Canada, V5A 4B5                 |         mprgate.mpr.ca!krasic at uunet.uu.net

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