Log of Dialup Logins

Tom Armistead toma at swsrv1.cirr.com
Sun May 5 06:07:03 AEST 1991

In article <1991May3.040622.1657 at swsrv1.cirr.com> toma at swsrv1.cirr.com (Tom Armistead) writes:
>If this isn't what you want, I have a daemon process that prints a message to
>my terminal whenever someone logs in, it could be easily modified to put the
>messages to a file (and print when they log out too).  If you would like a copy
>of this, let me know and I'll mail it to you.
>p.s. I can only speak for System V Unix's (I've never tried this on with
>     others).

I've had enough mail requests for this, so here is my my program.  I know
this is not a sources group, but it's a short program...

For those of you that I mailed this program to;  I added the code to print
LOGOUT information also.

If you want to run this program as a REAL daemon, the easiest way would to
be to nohup it (i.e. 'nohup chklogin >chklogin.log&').

Remember, I've only run this on System V...

Tom Armistead - Software Services - 2918 Dukeswood Dr. - Garland, Tx  75040
toma at swsrv1.cirr.com                {egsner,letni,ozdaltx,void}!swsrv1!toma

/* ============== chklogin.c - CUT ALL ABOVE THIS LINE =====================*/
** File:        chklogin.c
** Description: Print out a message for every new user that logs in.
** History:     01-Aug-1990, Tom Armistead - original version.
**		04-May-1991, Tom Armistead - Added code to print logout info.
** Instructions:
**              $ cc -o chklogin chklogin.c
**              $ ./chklogin
**         Or   $ ./chklogin <interval>
**                Where interval is the delay time in seconds between looking
**                for new logins (the default is 15 seconds).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <utmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>

#define FALSE           0
#define TRUE            1
#define INTERVAL        15      /* default sleep time between wtmp checks    */

** Local routines.
void chklogin();                /* check for new entries in wtmp file        */
void print_new_logins();        /* print new entries in wtmp file            */

** O.S. routines.
int         atoi();
int         close();
char *      ctime();
int         fork();
int         open();
void        perror();
unsigned    sleep();
int         stat();
time_t      time();

struct utmp *getutent();
void        setutent();
void        endutent();
void        utmpname();

** Main
main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
    int pid;

    if( (pid=fork()) == 0 )     /* create child process to do the work       */
        int interval=INTERVAL;  /* default interval to check for new logins  */
        fclose( stdin );        /* no need for keyboard input after fork'd   */
        close( 0 );

        signal( SIGINT, SIG_IGN ); /* don't allow keyboard to kill program   */
        signal( SIGABRT, SIG_IGN );/* or core dump it either                 */
        if( argc > 1 )          /* if any command line arguments             */
            interval = atoi( argv[1] );/* assume it is check intervals       */

        chklogin( interval );   /* Check for new user logins                 */
    }/*end if fork*/
    else if( pid == -1 )        /* else if fork error                        */
        perror( "fork" );       /* print the error to stderr                 */

}/*end main*/
** Name:        void chklogin( void )
** Description: Loop forever, checking the last modified time of the wtmp file
**              and calling print_new_logins() when it gets modified.
chklogin( interval )
int interval;
    time_t mtime;               /* time wtmp file last modified              */
    struct stat stat_buf;       /* for call to fstat                         */
    for( mtime = time( (time_t *)0 );; sleep( interval ) )
        ** If stat() fails for any reason then the wtmp file is probally being
        ** re-initialized.  In which case, skip this check interval.
	** If the wtmp file has been modified since the last check, call
        ** print_new_logins() to check for any new logins and print out the
        ** desired info.

        if( stat( WTMP_FILE, &stat_buf ) != -1 && stat_buf.st_mtime > mtime )
	    print_new_logins( mtime );          /* display new login info*/
	    mtime = stat_buf.st_mtime;          /* save new modified time*/
    }/*end for*/
}/*end chklogin*/

** Name:        void print_new_logins( int since )
** Description: Print all USER_PROCESS entries from the wtmp file that have
**              been created since the passed time.
print_new_logins( since )
time_t since;
    static int called=FALSE;            /* has this routine been called?     */
    register struct utmp *utent;        /* for call to getutent()            */
    if( called != FALSE )               /* if not already called             */
        called = TRUE;                  /* show not 1st time anymode         */
        utmpname( WTMP_FILE );          /* set filename for getutent         */
    setutent();                         /* opent the wtmp file               */
    ** Read through entire wtmp file, looking for any entries that have a time
    ** greater than the one passed that are USER processes and print the login
    ** name of each one found.

    while( (utent = getutent()) != NULL )
	if( utent->ut_time > since )        /* if this is a new wtmp entry   */
            ** If this is a new user login entry, then print the login tty,
            ** the user id and the time of login.

	    if( utent->ut_type == USER_PROCESS )
		printf( "\nLOGIN:  (%.12s) %.8s - %s",
		    utent->ut_line, utent->ut_user, ctime( &utent->ut_time  ));
            ** If this is a login process entry (user logging out) then print
            ** the tty, and the time the entry was made (when the user logged
            ** out).

	    else if( utent->ut_type == LOGIN_PROCESS )
		char *ptr=strrchr( utent->ut_line, '/' );/* remove full path */
		printf( "\nLOGOUT: (%.12s) - %s",
                    ptr ? ptr+1 : utent->ut_line, ctime( &utent->ut_time ) );
	}/*end if ut_time*/
    }/*end while gtutent*/
    endutent();                         /* close the wtmp file               */

}/*end print_new_logins*/

/*end chklogin.c*/
/* ============== chklogin.c - CUT ALL BELOW THIS LINE =====================*/
Tom Armistead - Software Services - 2918 Dukeswood Dr. - Garland, Tx  75040
toma at swsrv1.cirr.com                {egsner,letni,ozdaltx,void}!swsrv1!toma

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