Dot in PATH?

Mark Hall data at buhub
Mon Jan 28 11:38:46 AEST 1991

In <5528 at> guy at (Guy Harris) writes:

> You thought incorrectly; UNIX shells, and the "exec[lv]p()" routines,
> check only if "." is in the current command search path.

Well, let me show you something:

in my .profile is this path command:

> PATH=:/usr/lbin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:$HOME:$HOME/BIN:$HOME/USR:/usr/tmp:/tmp:/tmp/talk:

if I run a program in the current directory (and it's not in my path command)
my shell looks in the current directory FIRST.  This is also the way MS-DOS
works, but that's a different notes-group.  This is why I made the original
comment.  I grant that other shells may not work this way (I'm not saying that
they have to be alike), but my shell DOES treat my commands this way.
BTW: I'm running UNIX SYSTEM V v3.2(i think)

#disclaimer: technical errors mine, errors in flame-direction, yours.
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