Running X windows on a 16MHz 386sx

Steve Schoch schoch at
Thu Oct 11 02:00:44 AEST 1990

In article <1990Oct09.115208.1490 at virtech.uucp>, cpcahil at virtech.uucp (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
|> This depends upon how many windows you are opening, what other processes 
|> you are running,  how many users are on your machine, etc.

This depends mostly on what other processes you are running.  Creating another
window on an X server takes about 100 bytes for most servers (the space
needed by the structures allocated for each window - if the server does a
saveUnder for the window it will take more).  However, another process such
as xterm will take 150k.  This assumes you have shared text and another xterm
is already running.  Otherwise a new X application can take 1/2 Meg.

I think a lot of this is for the toolkit and widget code.


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