SCO UNIX or Open Desktop, what's the difference?

Robert Andersson ra at
Thu Apr 4 05:43:25 AEST 1991

I need to set up UNIX on a PC.  It has to be from SCO for political
reasons.  What confuses me is that I am offered either:
    UNIX Dev.Sys.
    Open Desktop
    Open Desktop Server Upgrade
    Open Desktop Dev.Sys.

The machine will be used for software development only, in a single
user 'workstation' type setup, but set up both as a NFS server and client.
Compilers, shell, utilities, written and online documentation and network
software are areas of importance to me.  X and databases less so.
Getting a product that is maintained is also important.  The time it
took for Open Desktop to move to 3.2v2 scares me, as does the apparent
non-development of Xsight.

Does it really matter what I get?
Pros and cons for either configuration is most welcome.
Robert Andersson       Voice +47 2 371055       International Systems A/S
ra at           Fax   +47 2 356448       P.O. Box 3356
...!{uunet,mcsun,nuug}!!ra             0405 Oslo 4, NORWAY

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