Dell unix 4.0

Jeff Johnson jjohnson at
Wed Jan 30 17:51:47 AEST 1991

In article <13206 at> yeh at cs.purdue.EDU (Wei Jen Yeh) writes:
|   Also, I would appreciate any comment/experience on 150mb (scsi or not) tape
| drives.  I've been calling around for the 2150s, but could not find one.
| Thus, any source (reliable, and preferablly cheap) concerning the 2150s is
| also appreciated.

In article <3024 at sixhub.UUCP>, davidsen at sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) writes:
>   I've never found a cheap source for these, even in fives. They just
> aren't cheap.

IME Computers was selling Archive 2150S for ~$500 a few months ago.
This was just a bare SCSI tape drive ready for internal mounting.  The
best price I could find on a Wangtek 150MB SCSI QIC streamer was $675
for a bare drive, that was from our local Wile Labs Rep.

A friend of mine bought a 2150S from IME and has had no problems with it
connected to his Adaptec 1542B.

IME Computers
Boston, MA
(800) 999-1911
(617) 254-1700 (international calls)
(617) 254-0392 (fax)

I have no affiliation with IME or Wile.

Jeff Johnson		10926 Jollyville #1420, Austin, TX 78759
Computer Consultant	(512) 343-0675		(512) 750-UNIX
jjohnson at	{uunet|uiucuxc}!!peyote!jjohnson

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