Removing DECwindows

Jim Flanagan flanagan at
Tue Aug 28 02:38:21 AEST 1990

  I am trying to rid a DS5000 of the DECwindows stuff that comes up when the
  machine is rebooted, in lieu of X11R4, but there is some confusing stuff
  going on. I figured that control of the display was handled in /etc/ttys
  but lo and behold:

        console "/etc/getty std.9600" vt100     off     secure  

  nothing strange. So, on a whim I scan the file for anything out of the
  ordinary and found it:

        :0 "/usr/bin/login -P /usr/bin/Xprompter -C /usr/bin/dxsession -e" 
        none on secure window="/usr/bin/Xcfb"

  How is this thing used? There is no /dev/:0. I removed it, and I got a dead
  console. I tried

        :0       "/etc/getty std.9600" vt100     off     secure

  and got a dead console.

  What I guess I want is the node information for the frame buffer on the
  DS5000 (This is a color machine). Or? Is there something simple I am 
  missing (yeah! 4.0 Docs!)

  Please reply via mail. I'm too busy reading to pay attention
  to comp.* groups.


  Jim Flanagan
  Systems Programmer                |                remmargroP smetsyS    
  University of Washington          |          notgnihsaW fo ytisresinU
  Department of Statistics (GN-22)  |  )22-NG( scitsitatS fo tnemtrapeD
  Seattle, WA 98195                 |                 59189 AW ,elttaeS
  flanagan at      |      ude.notgnihsaw.tats at naganalf

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