radisk block number reporting

Brian V. Smith envbvs at epb2.lbl.gov
Wed Jan 3 09:28:13 AEST 1990

Often when doing an radisk to search for bad blocks, the bad block number
reported by the -s (scan) option is off by one (1) from the block number
that the -c (clear error bit) option wants.

In other words, if the scan reports that block 2345 (e.g.) is bad, I have
to say "radisk -c 2344 1 /dev/rrd0c"  to clear the error bit in the
replacement block.

Why the difference?

Disk:       RD53 or RD54 (doesn't seem to matter)
machine:    Vaxstation 2000 or Vaxstation II
controller: RQDX2 (vaxstation II)
Os:         Ultrix 3.0

Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith at lbl.gov)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL, these non-opinions are all mine.

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