File completion using /usr/new/csh

Ken Chin-Purcell ken at
Wed May 30 02:51:05 AEST 1990

I cannot get file completion to work using /usr/new/csh.
When I type <escape> it has the effect of an interupt,
although csh does complete the filename (to no avail).

My tset line:
eval `tset -n -s -Q -e^? -k^U -m 'dialup:?vt100' -m 'network:?xterm'`

`stty` replies:
new tty, speed 9600 baud ; tabs crt

Using R4 xterms, no other stty settings.

Any ideas?  I suspect I'm looking for a magic stty invocation.

|||  Ken Chin-Purcell
|||  also known as ken at and (612) 626-1340
|||  Minnesota Supercomputer Center, University of Minnesota

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