How do you use read-only data sections?

Douglas B. Jones douglas at dekalb.UUCP
Sat May 26 01:04:16 AEST 1990

In article <9125 at bunny.GTE.COM> krs0 at bunny.GTE.COM (Rod Stephens) writes:
>I would like to place a string in a read-only data
>section of a program. I want the program to crash
>if it attempts to write into the string.
>Can anyone tell me how to do this? I cannot figure
>out how to get "cc" or "ld" to do it.
>Rod Stephens
>GTE Laboratories, Inc

Here is a small example:
create the following two files:
file "init.c" -- one line
char	*ro = "this is a read only string in init.c";

file "t.c"
extern	char	*ro;
printf("before ro = (%s)\n",ro);
printf("Now try to change it to \"this is not a read only string\"\n");
ro = "this is not a read only string";
printf("after  ro = (%s)\n",ro);
%cc -R -c init.c		-- look up cc(1)
%cc -c t.c
%cc init.o t.o

You should get a bus error when the assignment in t.c is attempted.
Of course, you can then set your program up to use signals to catch the error.

hope this helps,

Doulas B. Jones					douglas at dekalb
Academic Computer Center		or	gatech!dekalb!douglas
DeKalb College
555 N. Indian Creek Drive/Clarkston, Ga. 30021

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