How to duplicate the Ultrix distribution TK50's?

Andreas Karrer karrer at
Thu Jun 6 02:48:32 AEST 1991

weis at netmbx.UUCP (Dietmar Weis) writes:

>It can't be done with dd, there must be something special.
>(I tried it with bs=10k (good for layered products tapes, but not for
>at least the supported subset vol. 1.))

it can be done with dd. On a bootable tape (like supported subset vol.1)
the first two files are written with bs=512, all other files with bs=10k.

on a "continuation tape" (like supported Vol. 2) all files are bs=10k.

  Andi Karrer, Communication Systems, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland
  karrer at                 - terible simplifieur

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