11/780 or 2 11/750's

cfv at packet.UUCP cfv at packet.UUCP
Sun Jul 31 14:13:24 AEST 1983

	Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site packet.UUCP
	Posting-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site decvax.UUCP
	Path: packet!amd70!decwrl!decvax!kre
	From: kre at decvax.UUCP
	Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards
	Subject: Re: 11/780 or 2 11/750's
	Message-ID: <141 at decvax.UUCP>
	Date: Sat, 23-Jul-83 02:45:38 PDT
	Date-Received: Sat, 23-Jul-83 05:43:43 PDT
	References: <140 at decvax.UUCP>
	Organization: DEC UNIX Engineering, Merrimack, NH
	Lines: 28

	    From: aps at decvax.UUCP (Armando P. Stettner)
	    Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards
	    Subject: 11/780 or 2 11/750's
	    Message-ID: <140 at decvax.UUCP>
	    Date: Sat, 23-Jul-83 02:24:56 EDT
	    Article-I.D.: decvax.140
	    Organization: DEC UNIX Engineering, Merrimack, NH

		Date: Sat, 9-Jul-83 13:16:00 EDT
		From: sri-unix!SJOBRG.ANDY%MIT-OZ%mit-mc
		Subject: 11780 or 2 11750's ??
		Message-Id: <2942 at sri-arpa.UUCP>
		Newsgroups: net.unix-wizards
		Article-I.D.: sri-arpa.2942

		Rumor has it that the 730 was actually FASTER than the 780, but some
		``wonderful person'' at dec made them slow it down so it wouldn't push
		the 780 and the 750 out of the market. sigh.

	    Really.  Give me a break.  Look at the machines in question and you will
	    see that this is such garbage.

	What some people will say just to stay on the corporate payrole ......


I'd love to see you prove that accusation. Having looked at the 730, I can't
see HOW it could beat the other Vaxen (TM DEC). Is it impossible for you
to believe that someone might actually be speaking the truth for once? (I
mean, you are insulting Armando, for goodness sake... Not EVERYONE in a
Fortune 5000 business is crooked. In fact, not every Fortune 5000 is
crooked. Unless you can put your money where your mouth is, I would suggest
you speak kindly of those with more knowledge of things than you...
>From the dungeons of the Warlock:
					      Chuck Von Rospach
					      (chuqui at mit-mc)  <- obsolete!

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