bug in Ingres

Roger Bielefeld rab at cdcvax.UUCP
Sat Sep 24 01:08:06 AEST 1983

The following QUEL query gives a segmentation fault on the
Vax version of Ingres (Version 7.something) when using the
"demo" database supplied with the Ingres distribution.  Two
questions: (1) Does anyone have Ingres on a 4.1BSD system
that doesn't barf at this query? (2) Does anyone have a patch
to correct the problem?  Here's the query:

	range of f is dept
	retrieve (f.store)
		where f.store = 8 or (f.store > 1 and f.store < 5)

This query is the simplest one I've come up with that demonstrates
the problem.  Any ideas?  Thanks.

		Roger Bielefeld


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