Configuring 11/73 system for 2.9bsd

Alan J. Dempster ajd at ic-cs.UUCP
Sat Dec 8 04:39:49 AEST 1984

	Our group is collecting the following components with the intention
	of building a 2.9bsd unix system:

		11/73 with 1Mb NS memory
		Fujitsu 160Mb winchester plus Dilog 228 controller (RM02)
		Digidata tape with Emulex TC02 controller (TS11)
		DL and DZ interfaces

	In order to save some time I wonder if anyone can help with possible
	configuration problems. For example, are any patches needed for the
	kernel or disc and tape drivers on the standard distribution?

	Any help gratefully accepted

	Alan J Dempster,
	Dept. of Computing,
	Imperial College, London SW7, UK.

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