Special Interest Groups mailing lists

RICH.GVT%office-3 at sri-unix.UUCP RICH.GVT%office-3 at sri-unix.UUCP
Wed Feb 1 11:13:00 AEST 1984

From:  Rich Zellich <RICH.GVT at office-3>

I maintain a publicly-accessible file containing all the open-to-the-public 
ARPANET/MILNET mailing-lists and digests I have been able to find out about.  It
is kept on host OFFICE-3 in file <ALMSA>INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT - this file is 
currently 58,159 characters/1,412 lines in length.  OFFICE-3 supports ANONYMOUS 
FTP login using any password.

There is another list for Unix Newsgroups, with much less data about each 
newsgroup; someone on the Usenet can probably tell you where to find that list. 
As I understand it, it is updated and rebroadcast once a month or so.


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