background processes under 4.2bsd

Sid Shapiro ss at wivax.UUCP
Sat Feb 25 14:02:52 AEST 1984

[Recap: problem is to kill a background process automatically when
logged out.]

Another solution (I have just been reading Kernighan and Pike's book,
and I have become inspired to write shell scripts!)
Use a shell script to do various pipes with ps, grep, sed, tail, etc.
to isolate the PID of the process you wish to kill and use kill to
kill it.  I use one and it works just fine.  I have the script 
called by .logout.  It is a Bourne shell script.  It took me less
than 10 minutes to write!

Sid Shapiro -- Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
    [cadmus, decvax, linus, apollo, bbncca]!wivax!ss
    ss.Wang-Inst at Csnet-Relay 

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