4.2 BSD nm bug

jm at wlbr.UUCP jm at wlbr.UUCP
Tue Jun 12 14:06:05 AEST 1984

Subject: nm fails to close files when errors occur
Index:	src/nm.c 4.2BSD

	When nm is given a file without a reasonable magic number,
	it fails to close it before proceeding on to the next one.

	Run the following command in a directory with some executables,
	and some data files:

		nm -o * | fgrep <symbol name>

	After so many bad files, nm will produce an error for every
	remaining file in its argument list.

	The following changes will make nm close the file before proceeding
	on to the next one. (Whew... all this garbage for only changing
	two lines!!!)

*** nm.c.old	Tue Jun  5 17:32:56 1984
--- nm.c	Tue Jun  5 17:34:41 1984
*** 99,105
  	fread((char *)&mag_un, 1, sizeof(mag_un), fi);
  	if (mag_un.mag_exp.a_magic == OARMAG) {
  		error(0, "old archive");
! 		return;
  	if (strncmp(mag_un.mag_armag, ARMAG, SARMAG)==0)

--- 99,105 -----
  	fread((char *)&mag_un, 1, sizeof(mag_un), fi);
  	if (mag_un.mag_exp.a_magic == OARMAG) {
  		error(0, "old archive");
! 		goto out;
  	if (strncmp(mag_un.mag_armag, ARMAG, SARMAG)==0)
*** 105,111
  	else if (N_BADMAG(mag_un.mag_exp)) {
  		error(0, "bad format");
! 		return;
  	fseek(fi, 0L, 0);
  	if (archive) {

--- 105,111 -----
  	else if (N_BADMAG(mag_un.mag_exp)) {
  		error(0, "bad format");
! 		goto out;
  	fseek(fi, 0L, 0);
  	if (archive) {

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