Multiple file versions -- FLAME off!!

Brandon Allbery bsa at ncoast.UUCP
Tue Oct 2 09:14:10 AEST 1984

> Article <>
> From: ron at wjvax.UUCP (Ron Christian)

> I still have the 'backup' command, but it only creates ONE backup,
> and I have to initiate it.  (To guard against serious fumbles while
> in 'vi'.) ... What more do you need?

What more?... well, what about your nice, new, fancy report generator
which you compiled with `cc reportgenerator.c functions.o' and then tried
to get rid of the extra -o file -- and typed `rm reportgenerator.c' instead
of the correct file?  I have aliased rm to rm -i now that it's too late
(yes, I did that!), but it isn't always enough.  I have a front-end to
vi which backs up all files edited, overwriting an old backup.  The only
problem I had with it was that I was lazy, so 'vi +n file' no longer
worked, a problem which could easily be fixed.  And the backups have
saved my hide quite a few times at work.  THAT more do I need.


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