sub-second sleeps on BSD 4.2

Donn Seeley donn at utah-gr.UUCP
Mon Apr 29 16:35:30 AEST 1985

This is another perennial question...  This time, though, I'll break
down and post my 'all-singing, all-dancing' fsleep() routine to
net.sources where everyone can beat on it.  fsleep() is the same as
sleep() but it takes a floating point argument instead of an integer
one.  I put some work into it trying to find all the race conditions
and timing problems but I still can't claim perfection for it;
corrections are welcomed...

Donn Seeley    University of Utah CS Dept    donn at
40 46' 6"N 111 50' 34"W    (801) 581-5668    decvax!utah-cs!donn

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