Need help with 4.2 Socket Communications

Dave Mason mason at utcsri.UUCP
Mon Apr 1 08:08:03 AEST 1985

I am attempting to use the 4.2 Sockets communication system.

I am trying to use DATAGRAM sockets in the Unix domain and am having
some problems.  The server looks like:
	s = socket(...
	if (recvfrom(s,buf,buflen,0,&from,&fromlen)<0) ...
	... process the data ...
	if (sendto(s,buf,buflen,0,&from,fromlen)<0) {
the client looks like:
	sc = socket(...
	if (send(s,...
	if (recv(s,...
The message gets sent properly and received by the server, but the
sendto fails with the ENOTSOCK claiming that the socket s is no longer
a socket.  Could someone explain to me (by mail please, I can no longer
find the time to read net.unix-wizards) why this would be, and what I
can do about it.
	Thanks	../Dave
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