Disk partition sizes

notes at isucs1.UUCP notes at isucs1.UUCP
Sun Mar 17 17:01:21 AEST 1985

	A question on file system sizes.  Our Vax 730 running BSD4.2 is 
partitioned using the information out of the /etc/disktab file.  We have an rb80
disk drive partitioned as folows:
/dev/rb1a	sec used 15884  sec avail 16058  cyl 0 - 36  
/dev/rb1b	sec used 33440  sec avail 33852  cyl 37 - 114
/dev/rb1g	sec used 82080  sec avail 82460  cyl 115 - 304
/dev/rb1h	sec used 110143 sec avail 110236 cyl 305 - 558

	When I run diskpart 8 it recommends the following differences:
/dev/rb1d	15884 sec  cylinders 115 - 151
/dev/rb1e	55936 sec  cylinders 152 - 280
/dev/rb1f	120466 sec cylinders 281 - 558
/dev/rb1g	192510 sec cylinders 115 - 558
/dev/rb1h	unused

	We would like to partition our disk with the g partition described
in the second list.  This would give us the standard a & b partitions with
the remainder of the disk in partition g.  Has any body ever done this and
does it work?  

	My second question is why does diskpart 8 only recomend 192510 sectors 
when there are 192539 sectors available according to the way the diskpart manual
page describes how to compute it.  Compute as follows: (192696 the total 
possible number of sectors ) - (1 track,31 sectors on an rb80; for the 
replicated copies of the bad144 table) - (126 sectors to which bad sectors can 
be mapped)= 192539.  Where do the numbers that diskpart 8 is recommending come 
from and why wouldn't I be able to use the number calculated above.  Also if 
these calculations are correct our h partition configured the berkeley way is 
stomping on the bad144 info as it only leaves 94 sectors at the end of the disk 
rather then the recommended 157 sectors.  
						-Jeff Rule

UUCP:	{umn-cs,csu-cs,okstate}!isucs1!exnet
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