Unique PIDs (sys3 win!)

Brandon Allbery allbery at ncoast.UUCP
Fri May 2 08:58:14 AEST 1986


Quoted from <266 at brl-smoke.ARPA> ["Pids"], by rbj at icst-cmr.arpa (root)...
| 4) My solution is to have a flag (pidwrap) which is set at the obvious time.
|    If the flag is clear, *why search at all*? If not, do it the hard way.

Boo hiss.  System III has a MUCH faster way, requiring only short searches at
the end of the line (not a flag).  But I suppose it wan't in 32/V, so I can't
speak more clearly without the nod from AT&T...

decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!allbery  ncoast!allbery at Case.CSNET  ncoast!tdi2!brandon
(ncoast!tdi2!root for business) 6615 Center St. #A1-105, Mentor, OH 44060-4101
Phone: +01 216 974 9210      CIS 74106,1032      MCI MAIL BALLBERY (part-time)
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