ASome Articles from valid newsgroups end up in junk

seb022 at tijc02.UUCP seb022 at tijc02.UUCP
Thu Feb 19 04:45:15 AEST 1987

From: Scott Bemis     mcnc!rti-sel!tijc02!root
	Johnson City, Tennessee
	Phone: (615) 461-2959   

	Some avid readers of  Usenet at my office have noticed this following
	problem. Some articles of newsgroups listed in /usr/lib/news/active
	are thrown into /usr/spool/news/junk.  These avid readers get
	upset when articles from newsgroups like mod.sources end up
	in junk.  Part 01 of a source posting can be put in the
	proper directory,  /usr/spool/news/mod/sources. But Part 02 can 
	end up in /usr/spool/news/junk.  Has anyone noticed this problem
	before? How can I fix it on my computer - what is setup incorrectly?

	I am currently running USENET B 2.10.2 software with
	AT&T UNIX V  Release 2.0 Version 2 on a VAX 11/785. 

	Any help would  be appreciated.

	Scott Bemis

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