Warning From uucp

Hermes Trisgesmis uucp at att.att.com
Sun Dec 25 21:51:36 AEST 1988

We have been unable to contact machine 'wa015b' since you queued your job.

	wa015b!mail james   (Date 12/23)
The job will be deleted in several days if the problem is not corrected.
If you care to kill the job, execute the following command:

	uustat -kwa015bN49dd


##### Data File: ############################
>From arpa!VM1.NoDak.EDU!BRL.ARPA!Unix-Wizards  Fri Dec 23 16:03:13 1988 remote from att
Received: by att.ATT.COM (smail2.6  att-mt)
	id AA02936; 23 Dec 88 16:03:13 EST (Fri)
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Received: by NDSUVM1 (Mailer X1.25) id 4808; Fri, 23 Dec 88 14:58:25 CST
Date:         Fri, 23 Dec 88 01:01:47 EST
Reply-To:     Unix-Wizards%BRL.ARPA at VM1.NoDak.EDU
Sender:       Unix-Wizards Mailing List <UNIX-WIZ at VM1.NoDak.EDU>
From:         Root Boy Jim <rbj%NAV.ICST.NBS.GOV at VM1.NoDak.EDU>
Subject:      how do I tell the size of a pseudoterm window?
X-To:         gwyn at smoke.brl.mil
X-cc:         unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
To:           James Anderson <wa015b!james at ATT.ATT.COM>

? From: Doug Gwyn  <gwyn at smoke.brl.mil>
? ditto at cbmvax.UUCP (Michael "Ford" Ditto) writes:
? >How about a library function to inquire about screen size?

? Great, but 1003.1 didn't define one.  Nor did the SVID.  Where is
? the "standard" going to come from?

How about from us? What did you have in mind? :-)

    (Root Boy) Jim Cottrell    (301) 975-5688
    <rbj at nav.icst.nbs.gov> or <rbj at icst-cmr.arpa>
    Crackers and Worms -- Breakfast of Champions!

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