Auto-darkening of SUN screen

Robert Rodriguez rgrodrig at pttesac.UUCP
Fri Dec 9 16:23:36 AEST 1988

In article <17746 at adm.BRL.MIL> et>@adm.BRL.MIL writes:
>Does anyone have a program (a modified getty?) which darkens
>the screen of a SUN workstation after some minutes of
>displaying "<host> login:"? We do not want to switch on and off
>the screens several times a day and we also do not want to stay
>them in the state described above for several hours.
>After touching some key on the keyboard, the screen has to be
>"switched on" of course.

See screenblank(1).  We have the following line in our /etc/rc.local file:

/usr/bin/screenblank -d 600

Works like a charm.

Robert Rodriguez

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