UNIX Remembered

Dave Horsfall dave at stcns3.stc.oz
Fri Sep 23 10:37:15 AEST 1988

In article <3803 at omepd> mcg at iwarpo3.UUCP (Steve McGeady) writes:
| Perhaps the founding fathers will consider the immortal error message
| from Ken Thompson's origin chess program:
| 		"eh?"

No - the best one would be "?".  Ken (or Dennis, I forget) described
a car which had but a single instrument on its dashboard - a large
question mark which illuminates upon any error condition.

"The experienced driver will usually know what is wrong"

Dave Horsfall (VK2KFU),  Alcatel-STC Australia,  dave at stcns3.stc.oz
dave%stcns3.stc.OZ.AU at uunet.UU.NET,  ...munnari!stcns3.stc.OZ.AU!dave
    PCs haven't changed computing history - merely repeated it

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