Problem with find(1)

Gerry Roston roston at
Fri Sep 23 03:53:53 AEST 1988

I am having a problem with find on various Suns (3/260, 3/60) running
Sun OS (3.5, 4.0).  The problem is as follows:  

One really nice feature of find is to say "find foo".  This does
a search on the find database to find that file.  This is blazingly fast
compared to doing a normal find.  To keep this find database up to date,
the script /usr/lib/find/updatedb is run once a week.  We have just
started running news, and I do not want to include the news articles
in the database (who would ever want to find 123?).

Ideally, I want to do the following:
    find / -name news/spool -prune -o print ...
however, this does not work.  My current solution is to do
    find / -name news -prune -o print ...
which has the affect of skipping ALL directories named news, and
all of their subdirectories.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can simply skip news/spool?

Thanx in advance.

gerry roston, robotic systems research group
jet propulsion laboratory, 4800 oak grove drive, m/s 23
pasadena, california, 91109
(818) 354-9124  (818) 354-6508

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