UNIX Remembered

Aled Morris awm at doc.ic.ac.uk
Thu Sep 22 04:38:05 AEST 1988

In article <1176 at zippy.eecs.umich.edu>, cja at zippy.eecs.umich.edu (Charles J. Antonelli) writes:
> >In article <9199 at cup.portal.com> DGD at cup.portal.com writes:
> >> An appropriate epitaph would be "cd /; rm -fr *;"
> >
> no, you want something like
> 	% /etc/shutdown -h now

Don't you mean:

	# /etc/shutdown -h now

or have you chmod'ed your "shutdown" to run SUID(*) root?  (now there's
and idea... :-)

Aled Morris
systems programmer

    mail: awm at doc.ic.ac.uk    |    Department of Computing
    uucp: ..!ukc!icdoc!awm    |    Imperial College
    talk: 01-589-5111x5085    |    180 Queens Gate, London  SW7 2BZ

(*) The SUID bit is copyright AT&T in the USA and other countries :-)

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