chown (was: at files and permissions)

Peter da Silva peter at
Tue Aug 1 23:36:29 AEST 1989

In article <20461 at adm.BRL.MIL>, rbj at (Root Boy Jim) writes:
> ? From: Peter da Silva <peter at>

> ? When I type 'cd //oldsys/path; find . -print | cpio -pvd //newsys/path'
> ? I want file ownerships to be maintained.

> Great. Do it as root. Tar only does this as root.

So, I tell everyone on the system who might want to do this that they're
not to be trusted to copy directory trees around our network. I really
appreciate the extra work this would put on the support group, too.

Or do you mean I should make cpio setuid-root. :->

And, hey, replying in mail and posting an article is kind of weird.
Peter da Silva, Xenix Support, Ferranti International Controls Corporation.
Business: peter at, +1 713 274 5180. | "The sentence I am now
Personal: peter at   `-_-' |  writing is the sentence
Quote: Have you hugged your wolf today?  'U`  |  you are now reading"

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