What differentiates a Workstation from a PC (Re: What should GNU run on (was Re: what kinds of things . . .))

Peter da Silva peter at ficc.uu.net
Wed Aug 16 09:08:41 AEST 1989

In article <12035 at ulysses.homer.nj.att.com>, cjc at ulysses.homer.nj.att.com (Chris Calabrese[mav]) writes:
[ regarding PCs versus workstations]

> Most PC display adapter boards are simple memory maps between board
> hardware and the pixels on the screen. [ but workstations have graphics
processors ]

Sorry, but at least one of these display boards, the Bell Tech IWS, has
a separate graphics processor. Also, one rather low end PC, the Commodore
Amiga, does too. On the other hand if the CPU is fast enough it can move
bits around faster than a framebuffer (just ask Henry Spencer).

No, you have to use some other definition.
Peter da Silva, Xenix Support, Ferranti International Controls Corporation.
Business: peter at ficc.uu.net, +1 713 274 5180. | "The sentence I am now
Personal: peter at sugar.hackercorp.com.   `-_-' |  writing is the sentence
Quote: Have you hugged your wolf today?  'U`  |  you are now reading"

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