ftp using .rhosts or rhsts.equiv

Dennis G. Rears drears at pilot.njin.net
Sat Dec 9 08:10:04 AEST 1989

  I just want to get some info before I do this ......

  I thinking of changing the ftp servers on systems that I have
control over so that the behaviour mimics rlogin/rsh.  Example:

        ftp -l drears caesar

will allow me to access ftp without a password if .rhosts or
hosts.equiv allows access. Also if I do :

        (815) ac4> ftp caesar
        Connected to caesar.
        220 caesar FTP server (SunOS 4.0) ready.
        Name (caesar:drears): drears
        230 User drears logged in.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't do this?


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