fdisk (6386)

Ralph J. Winslow rjw at attibr.UUCP
Tue Jan 24 07:59:34 AEST 1989

I'd like to create a bootable diskette cum cartridge tape system to
allow unsophisticated users to install UNIX V.3.2 on a 6386 system
with standard partitioning. In order to not burden users with
having to respond interactively to the fdisk program I intend to
create 'standard partitioning' for them in advance (using fdisk)
and then dd the resultant fdisk structure onto /dev/rdsk/0s0.
The problem is that I don't know (and can't local in TFM) the
format and size of this structure. Any help will be gratefully
recieved. Thanks in advance.

			Ralph Winslow

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