Shutting off accounts

daniel.w.meeks borg at cbnewsc.ATT.COM
Thu Oct 19 06:01:11 AEST 1989

>When I was managing hordes of undergraduate accounts at the University of
>Toronto.  I used to change a users shell to restrict his login.  There was a
>directory call "/bin/shells", and if I wanted to turf a user on January 1, I
>would put an entry in /bin/shells called, for example, "deleteonJan1"
This is an interesting way of taking care of accounts.

	a) input account information
	b) run create-dirs-and-password-entries-script
	c) run make-symbolic-link-to-expire-date-script
	d) run at-job-to-remind-you-of-expire-date
	e) run at-job-to-resymlink-expired-shells

I worked at Purdue's Engineering Computer Network as an SA. Most likely
only SA's from Universities would have these kinds of task. Has anyone
ever made mention of a SA workshop/conference for University types? I am
sure a great deal of good technology could be passed between staff.

|  Daniel W. Meeks  - dwm at                |
|``Computer..Computer..  Ah, a keyboard! How quaint...''|

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