suspend question -- Berkeley kernels kill TSTP processes

Ian! D. Allen [CGL] idallen at
Mon Sep 18 15:13:26 AEST 1989

Berkeley-derived unix kernels SIGKILL processes that receive SIGTSTP,
SIGTTOU, or SIGTTIN if they have no parent (parent pid == 1 [init]).  

Try this:

    % stty tostop
    % ( date & )

and you'll see no output from the date command.  Or, try:

    % ( sleep 999 & )
    % kill -TSTP <pidofsleep>
    % ps x

I quote the reason from sys/kern_sig.c:

			 * Don't clog system with children of init
			 * stopped from the keyboard.
-IAN! (Ian! D. Allen) idallen at idallen at    Computer Graphics Lab/University of Waterloo/Ontario/Canada

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