cd failure killing script [Re: Interactive 2.2 File zapper]

Ian! D. Allen [CGL] idallen at
Tue Aug 7 15:07:00 AEST 1990

In article <1438 at sixhub.UUCP> davidsen at sixhub.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
>  Yes, only ksh gives you the choice of catching the failure.

No, I think most any sh or csh shell will let you catch the failure,
but you have to put the failing command in a subshell.  Even if you're
stuck with a cd that kills your shell, you can get by using:

	( cd "$1" ) && cd "$1"

This puts the first cd in a subshell, which may well die but you don't
care since you're only interested in the return code.  Of course, this
has a small window between the first cd and the second, where things
might change, and so your shell may get blown away anyway; but, you
hope that happens rarely.

The above trick is the only way to test for failure in various other
built-in shell commands.  I often use:

	( trap "" 18 22 ) >/dev/null 2>&1 && trap "" 18 22

because many sh shells don't handle signals above 16, but some do.
-IAN! (Ian! D. Allen) idallen at idallen at
 []  Computer Graphics Lab/University of Waterloo/Ontario/Canada

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