Text editor wanted [EVE]

Mark C. Henderson markh at squirrel.LABS.TEK.COM
Thu Apr 11 04:32:43 AEST 1991

In article <DANJ1.91Apr9143716 at cbnewse.ATT.COM> Dan_Jacobson at ihlpz.ATT.COM writes:
->>>>>> On 9 Apr 91 17:56:17 GMT, asg at sage.cc.purdue.edu (Bruce Varney) said:
->Bruce> I am looking for an editor that will emulate VAX/VMS's eve or tpu 
->Bruce> editor - does anyone no of something that will foot the bill?
->		   Emacs Lisp Code Apropos -- "tpu"
->tpu		  88-11-01
->     Jeffrey Kowalski, <kowalski at svax.cs.cornell.edu>
->     tut.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/tpu.el.Z
->     EDT/TPU Emulator
->Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM  Naperville IL USA  +1 708 979 6364

Note that this is not really an emulation of TPU, but an emulation of
the EDT emulation mode of EVE. In particular you can't execute
TPU commands or write extensions in TPU, but are stuck with (or if you
prefer, have the advantage of) Emacs Lisp as the extension language.
In other words, you get EDT like function key bindings and such but
none of the other features of EVE/TPU.
The documentation which comes with the package makes this quite clear.
I know that this is a `religious' issue, but I prefer TPU to Emacs Lisp
so this emulation doesn't do it for me.
Mark Henderson
       Mark C. Henderson, Computer Research Laboratory, Tektronix, Inc.
             MS 50-662, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077, U.S.A.
      INTERNET: markh at crl.labs.tek.com (after 19 April: henderso at mpr.ca)
       Tel: +1 503 627 6280  Fax: +1 503 627 5502   MCI MAIL: 378-4996

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