Serious flaws in SCO's serial device driver for XENIX (SIO)

Doug Fields fields-doug at
Sat Dec 15 21:02:48 AEST 1990

Perhaps the '286 SIO is broken, but the '386 one has worked flawlessly
for me for almost a year, running a (dumb) Digiboard/MC 8, pushing beyond
the SCO recommendation of 9600, to 38.4k and 19.2k. I would imagine that
like most things in the '386 version, the SIO is the same as the '286 or
even the '88. (Every notice doing a file on the bin directories returns
a bunch of 8088 and 80286 but few 80386's?)

Does anyone know how reliable the SCO Unix 3.2.2 SIO is at 19.2k? THanks

Doug Fields -POB 1789 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520- (FAX) +1 203 661-2996
Internet: fields-doug at <-- Best to reach me. Voice: +1 203 436-0184
uucp: {nosc | ucsd}!crash!telesys!admiral!doug, ...uunet!sir-alan!admiral!doug
BBS:  (T2500) +1 203 661-2873, (HST/v32) -1279, (2400) -0450, (v29/MNP6) -2967

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