How can I set up an anonymous FTP login ?

Michael A. Meiszl mam at
Sun Oct 21 22:03:47 AEST 1990

the subject says it all :-)
I'm running Xenix 2.3.3.
Installing a user "ftp" makes Xenix TCP responsing to a "guest account". You
can login, but you can't do anything because /dev/socketsys always reports an
open error on,20 .
I created the user as follows:

	ftp::1077:4:Anonymous FTP Login:/usr/spool/uucppublic:/bin/true

/bin/true as a shell logs every normal login instandly out.

Maybe I must use a special shell ???

Please reply via mail, 'cause I'm normally too busy to read this group regulary.
cu mam
Michael A. Meiszl, Tomsonstr. 25, 4700 Hamm 1 Internet: mam at
Voice: 02381/889121   Fax   : 02381/880084    Fido    : NO FIDO ANYMORE
Data : 02381/880081   Traily: 02381/880082    Login   : box | uucp | nuucp

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