How can I transfer to a "non - direct" node

Bill Kennedy bill at ssbn.WLK.COM
Sat Apr 23 02:47:24 AEST 1988

In article <8904 at eddie.MIT.EDU> wisner at eddie.MIT.EDU (Bill Wisner) writes:
>Under HDB UUCP, such a thing can be accomplished if all sites involved have
>the uucp command enabled in the Permissions file. [L.cmds in version 2]
>I think.  [I think the originator must use uux instead of uucp also]

I think so too, the Xenix doc that I have, Vr2.2.3 is silent about it but
I have seen a number of references to /usr/lib/uucp/ORIGFILE and FWDFILE.
The Nutshell book and Microport System V/AT agree that ORIGFILE allows a
site to forward to any site known to your site if FWDFILE does not exist
and FWDFILE, if it exists, determines sites to whom forwarding may be done.
Those are for version 2 uucp, not HDB.  I have a little of each, two HDB
systems and two version 2, but have not tried to forward with any of them.

I have seen no mention of forwarding in the SCO documentation but it's worth
a shot.  ORIGFILE is laid out

In conclusion and to repeat what has already been posted, the O'Reilly
"Managing UUCP and Usenet" book is immensely helpful for a mere mortal
to understand this stuff, (800) 338-6887.
Bill Kennedy  usenet      {rutgers,ihnp4!killer,cbosgd}!ssbn!bill
              internet    bill at ssbn.WLK.COM

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